Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hershey's Melts Your Heart

Hershey's is currently airing a series of television commercials that put the spotlight on their pure smooth chocolate and the simple happiness that a Hershey's chocolate bar can provide.
  • In their Ripple ad, Hershey's promotes family togetherness, as a family of five morphs out of the melted chocolate to hold hands with friends around the world. 
  • Their Swing & Drive ad sells you on the notion of pure simplicity leading to pure happiness, as a young girl enjoys a carefree moment on a swing and then dives into a rippling lake of chocolate.  
  • Hershey's Christmas commercial promises a "pure holiday" as a family sings a festive carol while chocolate snowflakes lightly touch down around them.
I love the simple honesty and goodness of this ad campaign.  The visuals are fascinating to watch as the chocolate morphs into charming images that leave you with an overall feeling of happiness.

Not only is this a good commercial but it's also a smart business strategy. Past history has shown that chocolate sales rise during recessionary times as consumers seek a touch of comfort in an otherwise unsettling time. According to Packaged Facts, U.S. chocolate sales in 2009 reached $17.3 billion, a new high for the category.

While M&M's may promise to not melt in your hands, Hershey's seeks to melt your heart this holiday season. All that for about $1.00 a bar.


  1. The reason that Hershey's is able to sell chocolate for the price it does - is because they use forced child labor to pick cocoa beans in West Africa: http://www.thedarksideofchocolate.org/

    At one time Hershey's was a great company, but since the death of their founder the company has gone astray.

    Please consider purchasing Fair Trade chocolate. It is so much sweeter!

  2. I saw your reply on Twitter and was going to do a little research - thanks for doing it for me! I actually do buy Fair Trade chocolate, but also have some family in Germany so I get a lot of great chocolate from Germany! Thanks for the insight.


Sue Northey - Find me on Bloggers.com